Welcome to the online extension of KA7O's Shack

This site serves as a conduit to share inromation and experiences in my RF and related activites.
Thank you for your patience as I convert and update the old content. Until it's ready, please visit the archived copy of my old site.
A Living
I work for a large regional health care facility, in their IT department. But, I've worked in the private IT sector and for a couple Land Mobile Radio dealerships in the past. I'm a "shared resource" for both the 'Help Desk' and the 'Applicatins' departments. Yes, once again, a lack of specializations makes me a pliable fit for needs as they arrise. At work, I do most everything from answer phones to deploy and maintaine multi-server, enterprise class applications and data stores. To say there's a variety is an understatement! It's a wonderfuly varied environment that calls on most all of my past expriences at different times. As well as creating a few new ones! I'm very fortunate in that our facility recognizes the value of the Amateur Radio Community and supports us. Not only including ham radio in their disaster plans, they actively support us by hosting a VHF and a UHF repeater and sponsoring an employee radio club.
I've been licensed since November of 1997. Currently I hold a US Amateur Extra License. My HF activities center mostly on digital modes - PSK, RTTY and Olivia. Usually on 20m. I'm using a TS-2000 with a SignaLink USB interface and commonly, fldigi software. I spend a lot of my 'ham time' helping to administer our club, our repeaters, and other 'infrastructure' as well as teaching and elmering new hams. I also serve as the Wyoming Section Public Information Coordinator (PIC). I'm a VE with the ARRL VEC as well as an ARRL registered instructor. I also host our local club's web site and other online resources as well as a few 'extras' for hams around the state, including the reflector for the 'Wyoming Swap Shop'.
Solar conditions
Yes, yes - I know. Anyone with an internet connection gets this info direct. No need to come here for it.
I'm playing - enjoy, I am
For QSL purposes - you can contact me direct (I'm "good in the book") or via Log Book of the World
Sorry, I don't use eQSL.
QSL Card details
Visit this page for details about the imagry used on my QSL card.